Sunday, July 1, 2012

Orange Squeezing Day

Each year my dad receives boxes and boxes of fruits but unfortunately nobody in the house has the power to consume everything before they rot. Plus, I am not a fruit person myself. Personally, I'd rather eat mountains of green salad than to eat fresh fruits everyday. However, I drink a lot of juice and I even prefer it to be fresh. That's why we can't avoid that these fruits get rotten inside the box.
But one day as I was salvaging some old cups to clean my makeup brushes in the kitchen cabinet, I saw a new orange squeezer/juicer which was my mom's raffle prize as far as I know. 

So I, being so excited to do new things at home, eventually grabbed the juicer out of the cabinet and stole some oranges from the fruit box and made a glass of real, fresh orange juice!

At first, I find it hard to squeeze discovering that one orange makes only about 5-6mL of juice. So I had to get more oranges to be able to fill a water goblet.

BUCKETLIST: Make a fresh orange juice - DONE!
Since I'm not into eating fruits, squeezing the fruit nectar into juice drink might be an alternative for me. It's natural, refreshing, and healthy!

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