Personally, we (including us typical citizens), given a pressured 30 seconds to answer a question rooted on a critical issue might be not enough to express your thought substantially. Sometimes, we even just have to pause for a while to collect our thoughts to explain our part thoroughly and understandably. But for an electoral debates like this, I believe voters are more intelligent than before to look for candidates that are based on their competencies than those who have (in)effective campaigns that bombarded all forms of media, even before the campaign period.
It might be unfair that people had judged Cynthia Villar without listening her complete thoughts. But on her end, she should have invested some trainings for her to be more articulate especially in terms of public speaking, or at least have her able to express her thoughts promptly and substantially for series of electoral scrutinies like this.
It is unfortunate of her that she failed to appeal for votes from a niche of nurses, a sleeping giant sector that eventually woke up by her 30 seconds of speech.
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